Marine & Beach Forecast Valid January 17, 2024
Here is your updated Marine & Beach forecast for Friday January 17th!Â
Look for surf around the 1 feet or less range for most beaches with winds anywhere from 5 to 10 mph mainly variable from the Northeast shifting South throughout the day. Â
Out at sea, expect 1 foot or less seas with winds ranging from 10 to 20 mph variable from the East shifting Southeast throughout the day. Decent boating/fishing conditions!
Weather-wise, expect a partly cloudy sky and temperatures around the 70 degF range.
~ Joey
Marine & Beach Forecast Valid January 18, 2024
Here is your updated Marine & Beach forecast for Saturday January 18th!
Look for surf around the 2 to 4 feet range for most beaches with winds anywhere from 10 to 15 mph mainly variable from the South throughout the day.
Out at sea, expect 3 to 4 foot seas with winds ranging from 20 to 25 mph variable from the Southwest throughout the day. Use caution IF boating/fishing!
Weather-wise, expect a mostly cloudy sky and temperatures around the low 70s degF range.